This collection of videos covers a handful of essential topics presented by scientists and other experts in an easy to follow format. These videos are cut down from the original recordings from Scientists Warning Europe's pre-COP event Planet in Crisis 1-8 November 2020. The full recordings and complete audience question and answer sessions are available on our YouTube channel.

Inspiring Action on Community Energy Schemes

Inspiring Action on Community Energy Schemes - Peter Capener, Energy saving measures at individual and community level are some of the most important actions we can take to reduce our energy consumption and emissions.

The talk by Peter Capener, Managing Director, Bath & West Community Energy explores a range of issues that need to be considered when thinking about setting up various types of community energy schemes, including feed in tariffs, business models, generating income, managing peak energy load, consent from landowners and councils. What are the most practical actions to inspire community involvement, from Solar to Hydro and Wind? Scientists Warning Europe’s discussion on Community Energy schemes at its pre-COP week of online discussions in November 2020 is available here:

Energy Use Reduction at Community Level

Energy saving measures at individual and community level are some of the most important actions we can take to reduce our energy consumption and emissions The talk by Tony Cowling, a sustainability consultant and director of Reading Community Energy, with a doctorate in organic chemistry, discusses many simple and more ambitious energy saving steps we can take. Scientists Warning Europe’s discussion on Energy reduction at its pre-COP week of online discussions in November 2020 is available here:

Climate and Averting the Insect Apocalypse

Top biologist and insect specialist Dave Goulson, Professor of Biology at Sussex University, will cover biodiversity declines generally, then focus in on the huge threat associated with the accompanying insect decline. He will present evidence of the decline, articulate the consequences and causes, and what we must do to reverse this frightening decline, focussing on urban areas and farmland. The whole of this talk, including a Q&A session, during Scientists Warning Europe’s pre-COP week of online discussions in November 2020 is available here:

Climate for Electric Cars?

Are electric vehicles greener? How close is the EV transition? And can our electricity system cope are just some of the questions Anthony Simpson explores in a fascinating presentation. After completing an MSc in Renewable Energy and Sustainability, he spent four years developing solar projects, and then two years working at the University of Reading on a project with the UK’s leading electric vehicle leasing company, DriveElectric. He now works with electric vehicle smart platform company, CrowdCharge. Scientists Warning Europe’s discussion on Electric Cars at its pre-COP week of online discussions in November 2020 is available here:

Climate and the food system

Even though carbon dioxide removal is a necessary part of meeting the Paris goals, it is not discussed as much as GHG reductions, and is even less associated with food. This talk explores the potential for carbon capture through using agricultural land differently. Helen Harwatt is an environmental social scientist, with a focus on food system shifts and their contribution to climate change mitigation goals. Her current work focuses on assessing the impacts of food systems shifts on environmental sustainability and to identify pathways to creating food systems that minimize adverse environmental impacts and maximize public health benefits. Her talk for Scientists Warning Europe at its pre-COP week of online discussions in November 2020, explores the challenges and is available here:

Climate for a Steady State Economy?

The idea of a sustainable, ecologically aware economy has been around for many years but persistently ignored by mainstream ‘growth’ economists and politicians who can’t imagine a world without endless GDP growth.

The global economy treats natural resources as if the Earth were a business in a liquidation sale, undermining the life-support systems of our planet. There is little long-range thinking in a world where propaganda and big money have undermined governance and the media. Faced with growing energy challenges, we have abandoned strategic resilience for a fragile global supply chain for many basic goods.

‘Imagine flying a plane without a fuel gauge’ Scientists are increasingly waking up to the idea that our ‘business as usual’ economy is no longer fit for purpose, as key resources decline. The UN Environment program (UNEP) warned in February 2021 that our relentless assault on the earth’s natural systems is damaging the environment that sustains us.

Ideas linked to a circular, ecologically coherent economy that prioritises green investment and jobs over traditional GDP economic growth need to be looked at urgently. Some far-sighted ‘ecological Steady State economists like Dr Brian Czech, director of the Center for Advancement of a Steady State Economy (CASSE) and Professor Tim Jackson, who published the ground-breaking report in 2009 – ‘Prosperity without Growth’ have been early leaders in this field. More recently Oxford economist Kate Raworth, In an inspirational 15 minute TED talk in 2018 asks: What would a sustainable, universally beneficial economy look like? An economic model that is regenerative, distributive and works within the planet's ecological limits. She uses the model of a ‘doughnut’ concept.

Her TED talk is avalable here:​ (Click on option to skip adverts) In November 2020

Dr Brian Czech gave a talk for Scientists Warning Europe’s week of online discussions to focus action, following the postponement of the COP UN Climate talks in Glasgow until November this year, This full length version complete with a Q&A session explores the issues more deeply and is available here​ Brian has authored three books on the subject and worked for the US Fish and Wildlife Service for many years. He gained a PhD from the University of Arizona.

Our Energy Future - Global Energy Challenge

How can we ever meet the needs of rising numbers of people with growing energy demands? The world was completely transformed by oil for the duration of the twentieth century, but it will be significantly depleted in the lives of many people alive today. Energy underpins everything we do. Without sufficient supplies of commercially viable energy the global economy as we know it will collapse. To make a successful low carbon renewable energy transition we will have to engage every resource we can. Once traditional fossil energy sources become scarce for realistic economic return, it will not be possible to build the renewable energy infrastructure needed or safely decommission old nuclear facilities. Scientists Warning Europe’s talk by energy expert Professor Chris Rhodes at its pre-COP week of online discussions in November 2020, sets out the big picture clearly and simply on our Energy challenges and is available here:


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